Electrolysis for a Better Tomorrow!
We have developed the world's best performing and scalable low temperature electrochemical technology that uses renewable energy to directly convert CO2 into e-chemicals, such as carbon monoxide, ethylene, and other products. Learn more »

Our Mission is to develop innovative sustainable electrolysers to drive the transition of the chemical industry to reduce its environmental impact in a profitable way.
Industrial processes are accountable for making up more than 30% of the global CO2 emissions, significantly contributing towards harmful environmental impacts, affecting us all. Despite the strict regulations towards set sustainability goals, global CO2 emissions are constantly rising, challenging to reach the desired target of carbon neutrality. It is evident that radical intervention is required.
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We strive to become pioneers as an electrolyser technology provider,
transforming waste CO2 to valuable chemicals using green energy sources.
Our approach aims to tackle a wide range of industrial challenges, providing an alternative pathway shifting out fossil-based feedstocks. The electrochemical conversion of CO2 to more reduced chemical species using electrical energy is a promising waste-to-wealth process in a scalable, profitable, and sustainable way.
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Passion, integrity, and honesty are our fundamental values.
With strong commitment to high standards and innovation we deliver the best solutions to our partners.
We are ready to take
electrolysis to a next level!
eChemicles Zrt. is a company created by seasoned chemists, engineers and business developers with decades of experience in the electrochemical, catalysis, fine chemical and manufacturing industries. We focus on developing ground-breaking electrolyser technologies that improve the sustainability of the chemical industry. Read more »
Improve, invest, have an impact! If you want to play a significant role to make the chemical industry more sustainable via our electrolyser solution, inquire about the different ways of contribution:
[email protected]
For current vacancies check out our job board. We are looking for the right people not positions. In case there is no relevant opening for you, but you are keen to be part of a solution for a better tomorrow, do not hesitate to send us your CV and motivation letter:
[email protected]