Our Technology
The Challenge
Despite increasing awareness of the severity of climate change, CO2 emissions are still on the rise. Although global commitments and actions are growing, their effects are lagging behind compared to the pledges made to limit the rise of global temperature to 1.5 °C, putting humanity on a road with unforeseen consequences. Out of the 50 components being monitored by the International Energy Agency in connection with Net Zero Emissions by 2050, only 3 were “On track” in 2023. This is indeed an alarming rate, regarding the progress towards a more sustainable future. The EU aims to reduce its net greenhouse gas emissions by 55% until 2030. In order to be able to realize such ambitious goals, industrial emission needs to be reduced significantly, as well as fossil fuel dependency should be minimized, on a considerably short-term. The development and commercialization of novel technologies are necessary to get on track with achieving net zero emissions by 2050.
Our Solution
The electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide (i.e., its conversion to more reduced chemical species using electrical energy) is a promising waste-to-wealth approach. This technology operates with high reaction rates and good efficiencies under ambient conditions, and can be easily coupled with carbon-free electricity sources (e.g., wind, solar, hydroelectric) to make the process completely sustainable. Carbon monoxide, ethylene, formic acid, and methane are all accessible through this process. The CO2-to-CO conversion for example, generates a high-value product which can be readily used in the (petro) chemical value chain.
To bring such technologies to the market, a significant development is needed in the key performance indicators. Novel catalysts, electrode assemblies, cell configurations, and engineered systems are all necessary to achieve economically appealing performance. At eChemicles our knowledge and experience has created the best performing technology that combines all these elements to powerful effect. This is the SolarCO2ValueTM technology.
Our Technology
We have developed the world's best performing low-temperature electrochemical technology that can be coupled with renewable energy in order to convert CO2 into synthetic chemicals in a carbon neutral or even negative way. One of the most appealing part is scalability of the technology:
Our highest priority is placed on electrosynthesis of the highest gross margin products based on the efficiency of electrical energy transformation. This is why we focus on carbon monoxide (CO) as the first target product. The conversion of CO2-to-CO requires only a 2-proton/electron reaction. Given the dropping electricity price and the energy conversion efficiency, which our technology already achieves, this process is already profitable today and can generate profit. Nonetheless we tirelessly work to improve efficiency and optimize parameters in order to facilitate the green transition of the chemical industry in a profitable way. As the next step we also develop a follow-up CO reduction technology, which allows to tap into other chemical markets, such as plastics, through ethylene production.
Where is syngas useful?
In certain sectors, carbon monoxide is used in combination with hydrogen. This gas mixture, known as syngas or water gas, can be used for heating, electricity generation, or as a feedstock for other chemical processes.
It is a versatile material utilized in vast amounts by the chemical synthesis industry. It can be used to produce chemicals such as acetic acid, butanol, methanol, and dimethyl ether.
Furthermore, syngas witnesses growing interest as it is considered to be an important pathway to decarbonize heavily polluting industrial processes. Moreover, syngas utilized via the Fischer-Tropsch process can be used to produce synthetic fuels, such as Sustainable Aviation Fuel or Sustainable Maritime fuel augmenting green transition, as long as syngas is produced by renewable energy.
If you are keen to learn more regarding sustainabily produced synthesis gas, click here!
Direct CO utilization
Carbon monoxide is also being used by several industries as a standalone molecule (i.e., without hydrogen). It is used in the highest amount in the chemical industry being an important intermediate for certain products (e.g., phosgene, acetic acid, etc.). In metallurgy, it is used during the refining of iron ore and the production of steel as a reducing agent. It is considered to be a solution to reduce the emission of steelworks by using green source CO. It is also used in the manufacturing of electronics is super pure form, as well as in the food industry too, being a preservative especially regarding the packaging of meat.
We are involved in several exciting and groundbreaking projects:

SolarCO2ValueTM is an innovation project funded by the European Union under the EIC Transition scheme of the Horizon Europe programme. This 30 months long project carries out the lab-to-tech transition of the current best low temperature electrolyser technology for CO2 reduction to CO using solar energy. Website »

FlowPhotoChem is a multi-national, EU-funded research project that is developing new and better ways to manufacture useful chemicals, via using solar energy and advanced catalysts to convert CO2 into, for example, ethylene. FlowPhotoChem aims for more effective solar light management, more efficient reactors, and more durable catalysts. Website »

Within the framework of the project, we will investigate and develop a modular electrochemical carbon dioxide conversion system that provides unprecedented efficiency in converting renewable electricity into chemical energy. The electrolyser technology will produce green synthesis gas (a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, CO + H2), which can later be further converted into various high-value chemicals (e.g. e-wax) and high-energy density fuels (e.g. e-kerosene). We investigate the possibilities of reducing the amount of catalyst, the recycling of unreacted CO2 and discover optimal operating conditions (temperature, pressure, humidity, current/voltage). Read more »

OHPERA is a multi-national, EU-funded research project that will develop a proof-of-concept unbiased tandem photoelectrochemical cell to simultaneously achieve efficient solar-driven H2 production at the cathode and high added-value chemicals from valorization of industrial waste (glycerol) at the anode. Website »

MiEls network is embedded into a highly specialized modelling community, which develops models on different length scales helping to simulate electrode structures with multi-phase flow of fluids, multi-electron step reactions, and electrochemical flow cells. A tecno-economical investigation provides guidance of all disciplines and ensures that the outcome of the project is to define the economic and ecologic “sweet spot” in applied electrosynthesis. Website »